Camping with Pets
No one can resist the big brown eyes of "Man's Best Friend", so of course we treat them like our children and take them everywhere with us! Traveling with pets and get complicated if you don't prepare right! Below are a few hints and tips of things you will need for your pets on your camping adventures!Before you go anywhere with your pets, make sure you packed a "Pet Safety Kit"! Just like children, animals love to run and play, and an accident could happen at any time! Always be prepared! Many times these kits can be purchased at large pet stores, such as Pet Smart. These kits are equipped with special medical supplies that will come in handy in case of an emergency.
Always Bring Water
Make sure that you always have water on hand to give to your pet! Dogs need a lot of water, especially in the hot summer sun when they are running around! A small collapsible dish works great for in the car or out on a hike. These can be purchased at most pet stores or places like Wal-Mart. Don't let your dog be dehydrated! They are counting on you to provide!
When your pet is in a strange area away from home, you always want to make sure they are tied or highly supervised. The retractable pet cable is great for when you're either cooking or not able to watch your pet! Don't ever leave your dog alone in an area they are not use to!
Spray for Fleas and Tick Repellent
Before going out into the woods or even tall grass make sure your dog is sprayed with flea and tick repellent! Although, you may think you are in a safe area, fleas and ticks can be anywhere! Be sure to check your dog daily, because ticks can be deadly. It is always helpful to put a flea collar on your dog to help prevent the fleas from biting around the neck area.
Glow In the Dark Collar
If you are spending your evenings and nights around the camp fire,
make sure that you have a glow in the dark collar around your furry friend's neck! If you have a dark colored dog, the bright collar will do wonders if they wander off!
Your dog may only be apart of your life for a few years, but to them you are their whole life! So, travel with your best friend, but always take extra precaution when taking them outside their home territory!